Our artistic concept and exploration arises from the desire to bridge art forms, to walk new grounds. The StreeTTalk artists are highly skilled practitioners and are known for excelling within their own field of research. 

At their core these art forms are of very different nature, Circus is a physical performance with a Temporary nature, Stencil Graffitti is visual art of a Permanent nature. What they have in common is their accessibility to the public at large.
StreeTTalk builds a bridge between these art forms, crystallizing moments of the   (temporary) performance into the (permanent) beauty of a painting…between these artistic disciplines there is so much room for conversation and we want to make this conversation public.

When the cobble stones of the city have gone silent and the street artist have left for other horizons...a silent painting will still remain, full of life and colors a permanent gift to the cities walls, touching the passer by.